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National Rural Economic Transformation Project (NRETP) is a programme under DAY- NRLM aims to help women in rural households shift to a new generation of economic initiatives by developing viable enterprises for farm and non-farm products.

Providing livelihood options to poor households through non- farm initiatives is one of the focus areas of NRLM. Dedicated programmes like Start-up Village Entrepreneurship Programme (SVEP) and Aajeevika Grameen Express Yojana (AGEY) have supported entrepreneurs by developing an eco-system for supporting small businesses. Majority of the enterprises promoted under these programmes are nano enterprises. As the enterprises scale-up, the support services required in the growth phase are different from those in the initial phases of the enterprise. Women entrepreneurs face greater challenges in getting the support services. Some of the government programmes have components for supporting nano enterprises, however, there is a felt need for support to those nano-enterprises that are on a high-growth track requiring significantly higher amounts of finance and handholding.

One-Stop Facility (OSF) is set up to address the need of such enterprises at sub district level to provide professional business development services to nano- enterprises on the growth track.


Kudumbashree NRO has been supporting the capacity building of livelihood cadres under NRETP-OSF and OSF Management committee. It was entrusted for capacity building of Block Development Service Provider (BDSP) in 4 States – Assam, Bihar, Madhya Pradesh and Rajasthan.



No. of states 4
No. of districts 30
No. of BDSP Trained 1093
No. OSF MC Trained 106



Last updated on Wednesday, 10 January 2024 15:38




[email protected]