Madhya Pradesh is located in the central part of India, having population of 72.59 crore (sixth-largest in the country) and area of 308,252 sq km (second largest in the country). The state is bordered on the west by Gujarat, on the northwest by Rajasthan, on the northeast by Uttar Pradesh, on the east by Chhattisgarh, and on the south by Maharashtra. The literacy rate of Madhya Pradesh is 70.6% as per census 2011. The state has 72.37% rural and 27.63% urban population respectively. Madhya Pradesh enacted the Panchayat Raj Adhiniyam, 1993 to establish the three level Panchayati Raj system in the state. In 2001, the Panchayati Raj Adhiniyam was amended by the Gram Swaraj Adhiniyam, which brought about significant changes in the structure of Panchayati Raj. There are 48 districts panchayats, 313 block level panchayats and 23,051 Gram Panchayats in the state. Madhya Pradesh State Rural Luvelihoods Mission (MPSRLM) is being implemented in the state for the social economic and gender development of the households through self help groups.
Kudumbashree NRO will be working with Madhya Pradesh State Rural Livelihood Mission (MPSRLM) in the area of SVEP.
The MoU between MP SRLM and Kudambashree NRO for the purpose of implementing SVEP in five blocks in four districts was signed in November, 2017. Jirapur and Khilchipur in Rajgarh district, Aron in Guna district, Rehli in Sagar district and Pichhore in Shivpuri district are the blocks supported by Kudumbashree NRO. A state-level stakeholder orientation workshop was conducted in Bhopal immediately afterwards. Six mentors from Kudumbashree NRO were engaged in the field to coordinate mobilization, selection and orientation of Community Resource Persons for Enterprise Promotion (CRPs-EP). The CRPs-EP were engaged in the data collection process for the preparation of Detailed Project Reports (DPRs) about each block before actual enterprise development processes are put in place. An enterprise census was conducted to cover all the enterprises in each block. A sample household survey and a sample enterprise survey were conducted to calculate the demand-supply gap in the block for the purpose of arriving at potential number of enterprises to be supported under SVEP. Focussed group discussions were also conducted by mentors with representatives from the SHG federations at the cluster level to understand potential areas of enterprise development in the block. Data from various government sources were also collected as part of the field level data collection process for DPR.
The field level data collection was completed in Madhya Pradesh by January, 2018. The DPRs will be submitted for approval to NRLM in February, 2018.