With more than 25000 enterprises supported across different states, Kudumbashree NRO has proved its ability to nurture entrepreneurship among rural and first generation entrepreneurs. It has also demonstrated the feasibility of promoting a range of enterprises that have the ability to scale-up, in terms of operations, employment opportunities and income generation. In this context, Kudumbashree NRO has now been chosen as the National Resource Centre (NRC) for the promotion of scalable enterprise models across states. As a National Resource Centre, the institution will work in creating resource pools for Foodservice enterprises (Canteens, Catering Units, Small restaurants, Pushcarts, food take away and Fast food corners) which will support the implementation of the project in partner states.
Among first of its initiatives, Kudumbashree NRO will be supporting Jeevika, the State Rural Livelihood Mission of Bihar, for starting an institutional canteen in one of the District hospitals in Vaishali. The project is also being supported by World Bank. A training program in association with AIFHRM is being conducted for entrepreneurs who will be running the hospital canteen. Around 30 SHG women are currently undergoing training for equipping them with skills of running a foodservice enterprise, which began on 11th September, 2018.