Non-Farm Livelihood Interventions
Non-farm livelihood interventions focus on strengthening the livelihood options of rural poor by enabling and empowering them to set up and run enterprises in the non-farm activities.
Start-up Village Entrepreneurship Programme (SVEP)
SVEP is a structured, focused, and time-bound non-farm livelihood intervention sub-scheme implemented by DAY-NRLM to create a sustainable model for promoting women entrepreneurship in the rural areas. The programme builds upon the existing ecosystem of self-help groups developed under DAY-NRLM.
SVEP helps women set up enterprises by addressing gaps in three key areas- business knowledge, finance, and incubation support.
Kudumbashree NRO
Kudumbashree NRO is acknowledged by the Ministry of Rural Development as an agency for offering technical and implementation assistance to the State Rural Livelihood Missions across India.
The enterprise team has prepared this document by collating the lessons from the approaches they tried while providing implementation assistance to the SRLMs.
A Guide for Field Facilitation
This resource is meant to serve as a reference while planning and implementing non-farm interventions using the approach outlined under SVEP. This guide reflects the lessons gained by the enterprise team of Kudumbashree NRO since the beginning of the implementation of SVEP, specifically from implementing the enterprise promotion model using Micro-enterprise Consultants (MECs) in five states in India.
The guide will cover all aspects of the project’s life cycle, from the starting till the handing over of the project to the community.
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